Blog Archives
Borderline Detours
Reframing Expectations
2023 Annual Review
Overseas travel with a baby, for dummies
Domain names and branding
2022 Annual Review
Hello Huskly 🐺
A new beginning
2021 Retrospective
Day trading for pain and suffering
Funemployment June Update
Funemployment - The first 30 days
Engineering promotions are broken
Nobody cares about your beautiful code
Why I quit my job at Stripe
Are video games like drugs?
Bitcoin 💸
2019 Retrospective
My life-changing psychedelic retreat experience
- Shedding body fat by eating fat
- Working at Airbnb — 4 years later
- Writing an Android NES Emulator — Performance optimizations
- Writing fast, deterministic and accurate Android Integration tests
- Thoughts on React Native from an Android engineer's perspective
- Learning Cycle.js — Two months later
- Bypassing Certificate Pinning on Android for fun and profit
- Creating an Android App for beginners — Part II
- Creating an Android App for beginners — Part I
Publishing an Android Library to Maven Central with Gradle
Building a Custom View with Android
Handling Animated GIFs with Android the right way
Starting with Android - managing images
When two identical strings are different?
Getting started with Chef
Protip: Delete words on iTerm2 (Mac OSX)
Wombat 0.4.0 released!
My story about moving to the Silicon Valley
ThoughtWorks 6 meses depois
Dica de ferramenta para Mac: TotalFinder
O que eu aprendi empreendendo e porque você também deveria tentar
Heroku + MongoHQ + Mongoid
Problemas com IFrame no IE?
Problemas de Timezone com Ruby?
Traduzindo HTML utilizando a API do Google Translate
Configurando uma ferramenta de diff visual para SVN no Linux
Opções de hospedagem para Ruby
How to map subdomains in Windows 7
Singleton Entity Framework connection: maybe not a good idea
JQuery progress bar slider plugin
Thoughts on web platforms and tendencies
WCF Data Services and the OData protocol
Pure as3 Lightbox clone
How to disable annoying request validation
Hands on MongoDB with C#
The magic of DefaultModelBinder
Model binding in ASP.NET MVC
An alternative for viewing grid row details in ASP.NET Dynamic Data
Customizing ASP.NET membership information with Profiles
ASP.NET MVC custom errors with the HandleError attribute
How to fix image upload with FCKEditor and ASP.NET
Comments are temporarily turned off
Will HTML 5 create a new milestone in Web development?
How to enable Session state in ASP.NET
Copying Linq (non-DataRow) query results to DataTable
The LINQ expression node type 'Invoke' is not supported in LINQ to Entities.
Upload and Crop Images with ASP.NET and jCrop - Revisited!
ASP.NET 70-562 Certification earned!
Gmail/Google reader unexplainably slow/unresponsive in Firefox
Dynamically adding user controls to web page with ASP.NET
About jQuery intellisense support in Visual Studio
Automatically tracking last modification date/time in table column
EF ObjectContext.Attach and ObjectStateManager
NotImplementedException in Graphics.DrawImage
Hiding sensitive data in the query string
Passing variables to sql server script
nunit.framework assembly not found
Serializing anonymous types in .Net
SQL Server Express nightmare
More on the Entity Framework
.Net Framework 4 and ADO.Net futures
My first blog post